Month March 2021

Karl Gottlieb, Gedenkstein März 2021

Karl Gottlieb

Karl Gottlieb *13.03.1898 in Fulda A businessman by trade, Karl Gottlieb travelled a lot and in 1926 left Schildeckstrasse 12 in Fulda and moved to Hamburg. In 1935, the message was sent to the registration office in Fulda that he…

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Ida Baer geb. Strauss, Gedenkstein März 2021

Ida Baer

Ida Baer, née Strauss *12.03.1888 in Alsfeld On September 15, 1938, Ida Baer moved to Fulda with her husband Sally and lived in Karlstrasse. 5 On September 5, 1942 she was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and murdered in Auschwitz…

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