Month April 2021

Frieda Kahn, geb. Birnbaum, Gedenkstein April 2021

Frieda Kahn

Frieda Kahn, née Birnbaum *09.04.1880 in Fulda Together with her husband Hermann, Frieda Kahn moved to Koeln. She fled to the Netherlands. From there she was deported to Auschwitz on November 10, 1942 and murdered upon arrival on November 13,…

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Rika Levi, geb. Rosenblatt, Gedenkstein April 2021

Rika Levi

Rika Levi, née Rosenblatt *08.04.1904 in Burghaslach Rika Levi moved to Fulda in 1929 and lived with her husband Sally at Schildeck-Strasse 7. On September 15, 1937 they emigrated to the Netherlands. June 8, 1943 she was deported from Westerbork…

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Leo Lehmann, Gedenkstein April 2021

Leo Lehmann

Leo Lehmann *07.04.1890 in Regensburg Leo Lehmann was married to Anna and lived at Heinrichstrasse 15. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during Crystal Night and deported to Buchenwald. After his release and the failed escape to another country,…

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