Category Commemoration Stones

As a group, we would like to remember the murdered people in particular on their birthdays. With many victims we do not know when they were torn from life, but on a birthday we can think specifically of this one person and show him or her and the families that this person has not been forgotten.

For this reason we label a stone with the name and the birthday. Sometimes we’re even lucky enough to have a photo of the person so we can look into his and her eyes.

Emilie Bacharach geb. Mayer, Gedenkstein März 2021

Emilie Bacharach

Emilie Bacharach, née Mayer *23.03.1882 in Reichelsheim 1939, June 1st, Emilie Bacharach moved to Fulda with her husband Willi and lived at Rangstrasse 1. On September 5, 1942 she was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and murdered in Auschwitz Birkenau…

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Eduard Sonder, Gedenkstein März 2021

Eduard Sonder

Eduard Sonder * 23.03.1868 in Mainstockheim Coming from Mainstockheim in August 1938, the widower lived at Mittelstrasse 38. On September 5, 1942, he was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt. From there to the Treblinka extermination camp on September 29, 1942…

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Anna Berkowicz geb. Bechler, Gedenkstein März 2021

Anna Berkowicz

Anna Berkowicz, née Bechler *23.03.1883 in Babiak Anna Bechler came to Fulda in 1919 and lived at different addresses until she married Baruch Berkowicz on February 10, 1933 and the couple moved to Rosengasse 1. On February 18, 1941, one…

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Louis Samuel, Gedenkstein März 2021

Louis Samuel

Louis Samuel *22.03.1902 in Honnef Louis Samuel lived with his wife at Von-Schildeck-Strasse 6. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. After his release and the failed escape to another country, he was deported…

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Thekla Mueller, geb. Gottlieb, Gedenkstein März 2021

Thekla Mueller

Thekla Mueller, née Gottlieb *22.03.1883 in Fulda Thekla married Hugo Mueller in 1919 and lived at Karlstrasse 14. On December 8, 1941, both were deported from Fulda to Riga. After two years in the ghetto, she was deported to the…

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Heinrich Freund, Gedenkstein März 2021

Heinrich Freund

Heinrich Freund *21.03.1868 in Kleinwallstadt After Heinrich Freund had lived at Judengasse 4/6 (Am Stockhaus 4/6) for twenty years, he and his wife fled to Frankfurt on March 1, 1939. From there he was deported to Theresienstadt on August 18,…

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Karola Tockus, Gedenkstein März 2021

Karola Tockus

Karola Tockus *18.03.1934 in Fulda Karola lived with her family at Mittelstrasse 32. She was seven years old when she was deported from Fulda to Riga on December 8, 1941. After two years in the ghetto, she was deported to…

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Heinrich (Henri) Herbstmann (l.) und sein Sohn Maurice | Hermann (Henri) Herbstmann (l.) and his son Maurice

Heinrich Herbstmann

Heinrich (Henri) Herbstmann *17.03.1911 in Karlsruhe Heinrich was nine weeks old when the family arrived in Fulda and later lived at Kanalstrasse 13. In November 1932 Heinrich Herbstmann moved first to Frankfurt and later to France. At first he lived…

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