In Memory March 2021 – birthday stones

We do not forget you! We would like to remember the murdered people in particular on their birthdays in March.

As student group, we would like to remember the murdered people in particular on their birthdays, starting in February 2021. With many victims we do not know when they were torn from life, but on a birthday we can think specifically of this one person and show him or her and the families that this person has not been forgotten.

For this reason we label a stone with the name and the birthday. Sometimes we’re even lucky enough to have a photo of the person so we can look into his and her eyes.

We do not forget you!

Sara Frank

Sara Frank *01.03.1937 in Fulda Sara lived with her parents and four siblings in Sturmiusstrasse. 5. On October 18, 1937, she fled with her mother and two other siblings to Wiesbaden, the birthplace of mother Johanna. On June 11, 1942, all four of them were deported from Frankfurt to Sobibor and murdered. As student group, […]

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Ella Mayer

Ella Mayer, née Tannenberg *02.03.1905 in Altengronau Ella came to Fulda with her mother at the age of one and had lived with her husband and three children at Karlstrasse 13 since 1928. On December 8, 1941, Emma Mayer and her family were deported from Fulda to Riga. Her further fate and place of death […]

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Sally Levi

Sally Levi *03.03.1893 in Grebenhain When Sally was two years old, the family moved to Mittelstrasse 18 in Fulda. During the First World War, he went to war for his fatherland. On September 15, 1937 he fled to the Netherlands with his wife Rika. Sally Levi was deported from the Westerbork assembly camp to Sobibor […]

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Lina Rosenbaum

Lina Rosenbaum, née Plaut *03.03.1878 in Luetter Lina Rosenbaum lived with her husband and daughter at Johannisstrasse 14. From Frankfurt she fled to Mechelen in Belgium on May 9, 1939. From there she was deported to Auschwitz on April 19, 1943 and murdered. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered people in […]

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Adolf Loebenberg

Adolf Loebenberg *04.03.1877 in Fulda The Loebenberg family lived at Mittelstrasse 29. In 1895, Adolf moved to Lueneburg and began an apprenticeship in banking. In 1920 he bought a farm near Hanover. On December 6, 1941, he and his wife Lina were deported from Hamburg to Riga. Since then there has been no sign of […]

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Anna Gutmann

Anna Gutmann, née Weinberg *05.03.1892 in Fulda The Weinberg family lived at Mittelstrasse 2. When Anna’s mother died in 1896, the four-year-old girl was placed in the care of Dina Faenkel in Munich. On April 2nd, 1928 she married Siegfried Gutmann from Niederwern. On March 13, 1943 Anna Gutmann was deported from Munich to Auschwitz, […]

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Moses Levi

Moses Levi *05.03.1877 in Ronshausen Together with his wife and son, Moses Levi, coming from Bebra, sought refuge in Fulda on April 25, 1939 and lived at Heinrichstrasse 48. While the son managed to flee to England, Moses and his wife Hedwig were deported from Fulda to Riga on December 8, 1941 and have been […]

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Isfried Wetzlar

Isfried Wetzlar *05.03.1886 in Fulda At the age of 16, Isfried Wetzlar moved from Fulda to Kassel. Later his residence was at Bahnhofstrasse 17 in Gießen. From there he was brought to Buchenwald for the first time in June 1938. His transfer to Sachsenhausen took place on an unknown date. Isfried Wetzlar was transferred to […]

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Selma Freund

Selma Freund *06.03.1900 in Fulda Selma lived with her parents in Rhoenstr. 6 and was not married. In 1932 and 1937 she stayed for several weeks in sanatoriums in Idstein and Marburg. On September 5, 1942, Selma Freund, along with her sister and an aunt, was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt. There she was murdered […]

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Ludwig Hess

Ludwig Hess *06.03.1907 in Buer After Ludwig Hess moved to Fulda in 1932, he married Rida Hess from Fulda in 1934 and lived at Mittelstrasse 27. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. After a few weeks he was released from the concentration camp. On December 8th, 1941 he, […]

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Alfred Strauss

Alfred Strauss *07.03.1931 in Fulda Alfred lived with his parents and brother in Geroda and in Fulda at Karlstrasse 9. The family had lived in Frankfurt since 1939. From there, Alfred Strauss was deported to the Litzmannstadt ghetto on October 20, 1941. Since then he has been considered missing and his place of death is […]

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Marta Plaut

Marta Plaut *08.03.1908 in Fulda Marta, the daughter of Ester and Siegmund Plaut, lived in Karlstrasse. 6. It is still unclear why Marta was in the “Landesheilanstalt” Marburg in 1937 or 1938. The death report from Marburg is dated September 30, 1938. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered people in particular […]

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Dorothea Stiefel

Dorothea Stiefel, geb. Hoexter *09.03.1865 in Gmuenden As a young widow with three children, Doro Stiefel came to Fulda at the end of the 19th century and lived at Rhoenstrasse 10. On September 7, 1942, she was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt. There she was murdered on December 20, 1942. As student group, we would […]

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Nestor Weil

Nestor Weil *10.03.1909 in Fulda Nestor Weil lived in Rinnweg 11 in Fulda. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during the Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. After his release, his plans to emigrate to Palestine failed. In 1941 he married in Frankfurt and in 1942 son Uri was born. The family was deported from […]

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Ida Baer

Ida Baer, née Strauss *12.03.1888 in Alsfeld On September 15, 1938, Ida Baer moved to Fulda with her husband Sally and lived in Karlstrasse. 5 On September 5, 1942 she was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and murdered in Auschwitz Birkenau on October 12, 1944. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered […]

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Karl Gottlieb

Karl Gottlieb *13.03.1898 in Fulda A businessman by trade, Karl Gottlieb travelled a lot and in 1926 left Schildeckstrasse 12 in Fulda and moved to Hamburg. In 1935, the message was sent to the registration office in Fulda that he was living in Saint Dié in France. From there he was first deported to the […]

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Otto Jacobsohn

Otto Jacobsohn *13.03.1881 in Fulda The Jacobsohn family lived at Buttermarkt 2 in Fulda. During the First World War Otto fought for his fatherland. He lived in Heidelberg since the 1920s and was deported from there to Gurs in France on October 22, 1940 as part of the Wagner-Bürckel-Action. He was deported from the Drancy […]

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Isaak Rothschild

Isaak Rothschild *13.03.1878 in Alsfeld In March 1939, the unmarried Isaak Rothschild moved from Alsfeld to Florengasse 18. On December 8, 1941, he was deported from Fulda to Riga. In 1942 he was murdered in the local ghetto or the surrounding area. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered people in particular […]

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Baruch Berkowicz

Baruch Berkowicz *14.03.1897 in Ostrolenka A tailor by trade, he moved to Fulda in 1919 and lived at Florengasse 27. On February 10, 1933, he married Anna Bechler and both moved to Rosengasse 1. In February 1940 Baruch Berkowicz tried to emigrate to Palestine, but he was deported to Poland on April 5th, 1940 and […]

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Ester Erna Plaut

Ester Erna Plaut, née Adler *14.03.1882 in Hintersteinau Ester married the baker Siegmund Plaut in 1904 and lived at Karlstrasse 6, where the couple’s bakery was also located. After her husband’s death in World War I, she continued to run the bakery on her own. On September 5, 1942, Ester Plaut was deported from Fulda […]

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Chinka Cywiakowski

Chinka Cywiakowski, née Amrofl *15.03.1880 in Przytula Since 1914, Chinka Cywiakowski lived with her husband and five children – a sixth was born in Fulda – in Sack 3. On September 5, 1942 she was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and from there in December 1943 to Auschwitz, where she was murdered. As student group, […]

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Salomon Klebe

Salomon Klebe *16.03.1877 in Rhina In 1910 Salomon Klebe moved from Rhina to Rhoenstrasse 19 in Fulda. During the First World War he was a medic in a military hospital. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. After a few weeks he was released from the concentration camp and […]

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Heinrich Herbstmann

Heinrich (Henri) Herbstmann *17.03.1911 in Karlsruhe Heinrich was nine weeks old when the family arrived in Fulda and later lived at Kanalstrasse 13. In November 1932 Heinrich Herbstmann moved first to Frankfurt and later to France. At first he lived in Vichy with his wife and children, but on July 31, 1944, he was deported […]

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Jakob Isaak Feldheim

Jakob Isaak Feldheim *17.03.1879 in Graudenz In 1908 he married Dina Katzenstein, who was born in Fulda, and lived at Bahnhofstrasse 21. On September 5, 1942, he was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt, where he was murdered on April 10, 1944. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered people in particular on […]

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Karola Tockus

Karola Tockus *18.03.1934 in Fulda Karola lived with her family at Mittelstrasse 32. She was seven years old when she was deported from Fulda to Riga on December 8, 1941. After two years in the ghetto, she was deported to Auschwitz, where she was murdered. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered […]

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Heinrich Freund

Heinrich Freund *21.03.1868 in Kleinwallstadt After Heinrich Freund had lived at Judengasse 4/6 (Am Stockhaus 4/6) for twenty years, he and his wife fled to Frankfurt on March 1, 1939. From there he was deported to Theresienstadt on August 18, 1942 and murdered on September 21, 1942. As student group, we would like to remember […]

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Thekla Mueller

Thekla Mueller, née Gottlieb *22.03.1883 in Fulda Thekla married Hugo Mueller in 1919 and lived at Karlstrasse 14. On December 8, 1941, both were deported from Fulda to Riga. After two years in the ghetto, she was deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp, where she was murdered. As student group, we would like to remember […]

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Louis Samuel

Louis Samuel *22.03.1902 in Honnef Louis Samuel lived with his wife at Von-Schildeck-Strasse 6. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. After his release and the failed escape to another country, he was deported from Fulda to Riga on December 8, 1941. After two years in the ghetto, he […]

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Anna Berkowicz

Anna Berkowicz, née Bechler *23.03.1883 in Babiak Anna Bechler came to Fulda in 1919 and lived at different addresses until she married Baruch Berkowicz on February 10, 1933 and the couple moved to Rosengasse 1. On February 18, 1941, one year after the deportation of her husband, Anna Berkowicz was also deported to Poland, to […]

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Eduard Sonder

Eduard Sonder * 23.03.1868 in Mainstockheim Coming from Mainstockheim in August 1938, the widower lived at Mittelstrasse 38. On September 5, 1942, he was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt. From there to the Treblinka extermination camp on September 29, 1942 and murdered immediately upon arrival. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered […]

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Emilie Bacharach

Emilie Bacharach, née Mayer *23.03.1882 in Reichelsheim 1939, June 1st, Emilie Bacharach moved to Fulda with her husband Willi and lived at Rangstrasse 1. On September 5, 1942 she was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and murdered in Auschwitz Birkenau on October 28, 1944. As student group, we would like to remember the murdered people […]

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Abraham Sonn

Abraham Sonn *23.03.1873 in Mainstockheim Abraham Sonn lived with his wife and children at Heinrichstrasse 48. He worked as a teacher for the Jewish community of Fulda from 1919 until his retirement in 1935. On September 5, Abraham Sonn was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and on September 29, 1942 to the Treblinka extermination camp, […]

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Johanna Lindheimer

Johanna Lindheimer, née Nussbaum *27.03.1888 in Fulda Apart from the birth certificate, there are no sources about her stay in Fulda. Johanna Nussbaum married Jakob Lindheimer in 1919 and both were deported from Frankfurt to the Litzmannstadt ghetto on October 20, 1941 and have been missing ever since. As student group, we would like to […]

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Rikchen Loewenstein

Rikchen Loewenstein, née Stern *27.03.1872 in Leusel Rikchen Loewenstein moved with her husband Josef in February 1938 from Fritzlar to Fulda at Petersberger Strasse 9. She was deported from Fulda to Riga on December 8, 1941. Since then she has been considered missing and her place of death is unknown. As student group, we would […]

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Sally Loewenberg

Sally Loewenberg *29.03.1882 in Schenklengsfeld The Loewenberg family fled from Schenklengsfeld to Fulda in June 1938 and lived at Mittelstrasse 25. On November 10, 1938, Sally Loewenberg was arrested during Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. After a few weeks he was released from the concentration camp and did forced labor in road construction in Fulda. […]

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Arthur Blumenthal

Arthur Blumenthal *30.03.1893 in Fulda Arthur Blumenthal lived with his parents and siblings in Mittelstrasse 42. On July 11th, 1924 he left Fulda and moved to Frankfurt. In 1938 he was imprisoned in Buchenwald for a few weeks and was later deported to Mauthausen at an unknown time. There he was “shot while trying to […]

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Hermann Weinberger

Hermann Weinberger * 31.03.1936 in Fulda The Weinberger family lived only a few weeks in Fulda and soon after Hermann was born they moved to Berlin. From there he was deported to Auschwitz on December 14, 1942. Because of his age, Hermann was surely murdered upon arrival. As student group, we would like to remember […]

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Jakob Weinberg

Jakob Weinberg *31.03.1883 in Hünfeld Jakob Weinberg moved from Wuestensachsen with his wife and son to Johannisstrasse 14 in September 1938. On November 10, 1938, he was arrested during Kristallnacht and deported to Buchenwald. On December 8, 1941 he was deported from Fulda to Riga and murdered in March 1942. As student group, we would […]

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