Eva Frank
Eva Frank *February 20th, 1933 in Fulda Eva lived with her parents and four siblings at Sturmiusstrasse 5. On October 20, 1937, she moved to Wiesbaden with her parents and a younger brother and was deported from Frankfurt to Sobibor…
Tacheles* blog for more common sense and less anti-Semitism
We are a student group consisting of 8 – 10 students under the guidance of Anja Listmann. We are all studying at the Winfriedschule in Fulda and study the Jewish history in Fulda. We are working on various projects and campaigns primarily to keep the memory of the victims of the Holocaust alive. In particular we have focused on the deportees from Fulda after 1938.
In the future, this blog should not only document our projects, but also be designed as a blog spot about Jewish life in Germany yesterday and today.
* Speak openly and clearly, to speak in plain terms, from Yiddish
Eva Frank *February 20th, 1933 in Fulda Eva lived with her parents and four siblings at Sturmiusstrasse 5. On October 20, 1937, she moved to Wiesbaden with her parents and a younger brother and was deported from Frankfurt to Sobibor…
Menasse Loeser *February 18th, 1855 in Fulda Menasse lived with his parents at Friedrichstrasse 13 until he emigrated to the Netherlands in 1871 where he lived a couple of years. In 1904 he got married in Frankfurt. On September 15,…
Jenny Sachs, née Hesdoerffer *February 17th, 1870 in Fulda Jenny Hesdoerffer moved from Fulda to Munich when she was young. Later lived with her husband and three daughters there. On June 18, 1942 she was deported eto Theresienstadt, where she…
Willi Bacharach *February 12th, 1869 in Grebenau In 1939 Willi Bacharach moved to Fulda with his wife Emilie and lived at Rangstrasse 1. On September 5, 1942, he was deported from Fulda to Theresienstadt and in 1944 to Auschwitz Birkenau,…
Meier Wolf Nussbaum *February 10th, 1874 Meier lived at Lindenstrasse 35 until he emigrated to the Netherlands on March 14, 1939. He was deported from Westerbork to Sobibor on May 25, 1943 and murdered immediately after arrival. As student group,…
Minna Strauss, née Plaut *February 4th, 1878 in Frielendorf In 1938 Minna moved with her husband and son from Bad Salzschlirf to Fulda and lived at Schweinemarkt 15 until she was deported from Fulda to Sobibor on May 31, 1942…
Isaak Floersheim *February 4th, 1919 in Fulda Isaak lived at Kapuzinerstrasse 3, studied at the Fulda Yeshiva and moved to Telsiai on May 17, 1938 and continued his studies at the Telsiai Yeshiva. He actually got a Sugihara visa, but…
We are a student group consisting of 8 – 10 students under the guidance of Anja Listmann. We are all studying at the Winfriedschule in Fulda and study the Jewish history in Fulda. We are working on various projects and…
As of September 2019, the project “Jewish Life in Fulda” has been transferred from the Winfriedschule to the Bardoschule in Fulda. The students involved in the current project were displeased by the condition of the memorial for Fulda’s deported Jews and decided to rectify the situation. In October 2020, over a period…