Category Commemoration Stones

As a group, we would like to remember the murdered people in particular on their birthdays. With many victims we do not know when they were torn from life, but on a birthday we can think specifically of this one person and show him or her and the families that this person has not been forgotten.

For this reason we label a stone with the name and the birthday. Sometimes we’re even lucky enough to have a photo of the person so we can look into his and her eyes.

Sara Hess, geb Rothschild, Gedenkstein April 2021

Sara Hess

Sara Hess, née Rothschild *29.04.1865 in Niederaula Sara Hess was the 2nd wife of Josef Hess from Hintersteinau. In 1905 the family moved to Fulda and lived at Abtstor 2. Sara Hess was deported from Fulda to Riga on December…

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