Event “Learning from the Past …“

Thursday, November 10st , 6pm

Learning from the Past: „Kindertransport“ and the demise of the Fulda Jewish Community
with Michael Braunold

Location: Wohnzimmer Fulda, Free Entrance

** Language: Englisch **

We give a warm welcome to a very special guest in the „Wohnzimmer“ on Thursday, November 10th, 6pm: Michael Braunold from Israel speaks about the life of his Fulda family; his father Josef and his grandparents Gerda and Friedrich, who lived at Löherstraße 23. With numerous original testimonials and photos, Michael remembers both his father, who was rescued by a children’s transport, and his grandparents, who were deported from Fulda 1939 and murdered. 

Braunold Family — the story

In the second part of the evening there is the opportunity to talk to Michael Braunold.

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